Baby Boomer, Babies No More

All you can hear are voices, and everything seems to be going too fast. You slowly see a bright light, you feel a light tap on your butt, and then you cry out loud. Your mother is there waiting for you. And as she carefully held you in her arms, you feel all the love and comfort that the world has to offer.

Babies are a wonderful gift that every woman can receive. And if you are one of those babies born during 1946 to 1964, you are called a baby boomer. Presently, these baby boomers are at their midlife and others are at their retiring age already. Baby boomers seek meaningful lives and with purpose; and that is the very reason why they are quite a fascinating group.

You might be familiar with the different generations; and this makes it even worse. A lot of people want to be identified with a particular generation; or simply they just want to belong. But this doesn't have to be this way. No matter what generation you're in, you have to make the most out of your life; whether you're a baby boomer or not because that's what life is all about.

Baby boomers are aging; so by now they already know the lessons in life.

If you're one of the baby boomers in midlife, then you're probably thinking of ways to make an impact to the society that you belong. And you will be able to this is you follow these steps:

1. know your passion
2. identify all your developed skills and meaningful experiences that can be used to help other people
3. know the good things that you enjoy doing
4. choose a particular organization with a cause like a charity organization or a religious group
5. contact them and offer your service, you can even volunteer to help them out
6. have fun while trying to do your best in helping other people

Trying to make an impact in this world does not mean that you should have your name paraded all throughout the world. Helping in your own little way to improve the quality of life of needy people will make you feel good. And though your effort is small, you should be proud because you've made a significant difference.

Not all baby boomers are like this. There are also those who mess up their lives by indulging in dangerous vices; or those that spend their money in meaningless things or investments. But it's never too late; there is always room for change if you really want to do it.

At this certain age, you have to enjoy your life to the fullest. Establish a successful career and give importance to your family as well as yourself.

What's in store for the older generation of baby boomers? Most of the older generation of baby boomers who are about to retire still want to go on with their lives by seeking second careers; but they are more focused on the things that they want to enjoy doing. Some of them want to make an income while others are contented with what they have. They want to spend the remaining years of their lives meaningful as possible. Volunteer works for non-profit organizations are usually places they often go and pass their time.

Although they want to keep themselves busy, there are certain factors which hinder them from doing so. It is a true and sad fact that these older generations are also prone to certain health problems, one of which is hearing loss. By the year 2030, it is estimated that more than 50 million Americans are about to suffer from this problem.

As people age, it is but natural that they become more prone to health problems. The best possible thing that baby boomers can do is prevention. Don't let yourselves be exposed to constant loud noises because this can lead to hearing disabilities.

By now, you probably know of the importance of a healthy lifestyle. Baby boomers want to live longer in order to make their lives more meaningful in this world. But since you can't tell how long you will live, as a baby boomer, you should try your best to live a normal life and always-the-good-guy-next-door.


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